What is the Best Website Platform for SEO?
When choosing the best platform for your website in terms of SEO, there are some specific factors to consider. This list is a cautionary one. Rather than focus on the don’ts, it is advisable to stick with the dos. Here are the top suggestions:
Choose a content management system platform where anyone can build a website over a template-heavy, formatted, drag-and-drop “builder” site. WordPress, for example, is more powerful than a builder site because it gives greater flexibility. While it is far more abstract and can initially be overwhelming, you own your content, images (information available to your site visitors), code (backside programming; how the page is built and technically formatted), and additional information completely. Taking the time to learn these elements and their importance is invaluable in the long term.
Builder sites have no flexibility when writing code and specifying your information. These sites may seem user-friendly and accessible. However, they can be very limited in what you include and how you represent your image and content on the internet. Additionally, free or inexpensive web builders are to be avoided because they own and control your content and pictures once you’ve created your site on them. You may not have back-end access, where much of the SEO needs to happen.
It is also essential to recognize that websites built using builder sites do not rank on their standings but on the builder site itself. They are a direct reflection of the platform upon which they are created rather than their firm foundation.
Choosing your platform is of utmost importance before you even begin your site’s creation, lest you end up without anything to call your own.
How Good is WordPress For SEO?
If you’ve just started using WordPress, you’re probably wondering how good it is for SEO. The fact is, there are a lot of ways you can optimize your site. One way is by adding a Schema markup. Another is by creating SEO-friendly URLs, and a third is by optimizing categories and subcategories.
Categories and subcategories
If you want to increase the SEO ranking of your WordPress site, you may want to consider using categories and subcategories. These features are great for organizing your posts and helping search engine bots better understand the structure of your site. They also make it easier for readers to navigate through your content.
There is no exact formula for how many categories you should use on your WordPress site. Some sites are better suited for categorization than others, but you should never have too many. A good rule of thumb is to keep your categories to around three levels.
SEO-friendly URLs
WordPress is a popular content management system that makes it easy for anyone to create a website. The system includes built-in features for creating SEO-friendly URLs. With these options, you can improve your rankings, increase your site’s searchability, and make navigating easier for your customers.
Using WordPress, you can create custom permalinks for each site page. However, you can also develop SEO-friendly permalinks for any existing content. These URLs are short and easy to read. They are directional, so your customers can easily find the content they want.
Schema markup
Adding Schema markup to your WordPress website is important to increase your search engine rankings. It gives your site a boost in terms of search results, which can result in more conversions.
It also increases the chances that your site will appear in Google’s knowledge panels. It is also a great way to tell the search engines your personal information, such as your organization’s location, and to link your website to your social media accounts.
All major search engines, including Google use schema. It can help you to drive high-quality traffic to your website. There are several ways to add structured data to your website, including using a WordPress plugin or manually.
Image alt texts
A good SEO strategy involves a variety of different tactics. One of the most important is ensuring that your website’s images are optimized. It’s also important to ensure that you provide users with a good experience. You can do this by adding alt text to your images. This allows people who use a screen reader or are visually impaired to see your content without relying on the computer’s text capabilities.
To boost your image in the search engines, you need to ensure that it’s got the right image optimization, such as alt text. Search engines like Google index images, so ensuring that yours is optimized is an excellent way to increase your site’s exposure and traffic.
WYSIWYG editor
A WYSIWYG editor allows you to create website content in an easy-to-use interface. However, this type of software can cause some minor issues despite its simplicity. In addition, some users worry that it can damage their search engine optimization. Here are a few tips to keep in mind when using a WYSIWYG editor.
The first tip is to ensure you have a basic understanding of how the internet works. You can learn about web language and HTML at the W3Schools website.
WYSIWYG editors can produce bloated HTML, which can disrupt your layout. This will also slow your website down.
WP Rocket
WP Rocket for SEO is a plugin that increases your site’s loading speed. This helps improve conversions and search engine rankings. It’s perfect for sites with lots of pages. The plugin uses a Content Delivery Network and can also minify your website’s content.
Among the many features of the plugin are its ability to cache your WordPress site, reducing the number of HTTP calls your server has to make. By combining multiple requests into one, your site can load faster.
In addition, WP Rocket is compatible with a variety of themes and plugins. This means you don’t have to spend much time learning how to configure it.
W3 Total Cache
W3 Total Cache is a caching plugin for WordPress that improves your site’s performance. It can speed up your page load times by up to 10%. In addition to enhancing your website’s speed, it can also boost SEO and Core Web Vitals metrics.
This free plugin can be installed on your WordPress admin dashboard. Once you’ve installed it, you can use the options to configure its settings. There are tons of options when it comes to caching methods and features. You can choose the one that will save you the most time.